Climate change is increasingly threatening Tanzania's natural environment, human health, livelihoods, and economic development. It is widely recognised that forest ecosystems are major carbon sinks. Deforestation and forest degradation are reported causes of greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries like Tanzania. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) estimates global annual anthropogenic carbon emissions due to the loss of tropical forests ranging from 18-to 20%. Various forest management and conservation practices at local, national and international levels contribute to the efforts toward mitigating and adapting to the global climate change problem.

Therefore, there will be four business portfolios. The business portfolio are the following:-

Through the Tanzania Forest Service (TFS) Agency, the Government of Tanzania is collaborating with REDD Carbon & Biodiversity Advisors and Livingway (URT) Ltd to implement Carbon Credit Harvest and Purchase Programme in Tabora region. The Programme centres its core vision and values on forest conservation to reduce emissions, ensure storage of CO2 and mitigate climate change and its associated impacts. The Programme is implemented considering the increasing pace and growing global forest carbon trade market.

Implementation of the Programme is guided by the national policies and strategies, including the National REDD+ Strategy and Action Plan. In this context, the Government of Tanzania has established and appointed a National Steering Committee to oversee the implementation of the Programme, including taking care of government interests and values, as stipulated in the agreement.

OBJECTIVES The National Steering Committee's principle objective is to oversee the implementation of the Tabora Carbon Credit Harvest and Purchase Programme. Specific objectives include:

  1. To participate in bi-annual meetings to review work plans and budgets for implementing the programme activities.
  2. To ensure compliance of the programme implementation with the national legal framework and international commitments
  3. To draw lessons and best practices from the programme implementation and mainstream in government policy development process.
  4. To advise the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania regarding programme coordination, planning, implementation and policy issues.
  5. To ensure coordination of all programme activities in Tanzania on behalf of the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania

MEMBERSHIP The membership of the National Steering Committee will be determined by their direct stake and relevance to coordination, planning, implementation and policy issues related to the programme implementation. The composition of the National Steering Committee will be guided by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism to include members from the following sectors/institutions;

  1. Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism (Chair)
  2. President's Office – Regional Administration and Local Government (Co-Chair)
  3. Vice President's Office (VPO) (Secretary)
  4. Ministry of Finance
  5. Ministry of Livestock and Fisheries Development
  6. Ministry of Agriculture
  7. Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlement Development
  8. Ministry of Community Development
  9. Ministry of Energy
  10. Ministry of Water and Irrigation

Other members, especially technical support, will be invited based on the agenda. Revision of the National Steering Committee members will depend on the circumstances, performance and needs. Moreover, the revision process will consider retaining sufficient institutional memory and continuity. The National Steering Committee will be composed of Senior Government Officials, including the Permanent Secretaries/Deputy Permanent Secretaries or Principal Officers from the respective sector ministries. In addition, the composition of the National Steering Committee will take into consideration gender representation. In collaboration with REDDCOP and/or Livingway, TFS will serve as Secretariat to Steering Committee.


  1. The Tabora Carbon Credit Programme will be implemented successfully;
  2. Lessons leant and best practices packaged and shared in various national and international fora;
  3. Key sector Ministries and key stakeholders effectively coordinated the implementation of the programme activities;


  1. The National Steering Committee sessions will be chaired by the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Natural Resources and Tourism.
  2. Members of the National Steering Committee will be required to actively participate in the bi-annual meetings for coordination, planning and implementation of the programme activities, including monitoring sessions, training sessions, and national and international study tours.
  3. In the absence of a permanent member, an alternate member should be available for the National Steering Committee session. The Alternate Member should provide feedback and updates to the Permanent Member
  4. The functions of the National Steering Committee will be facilitated by the Programme through TFS CEO's office


  1. The Chairperson will chair all the National Steering Committee Meetings. In the absence or convenience, the Chairperson will be responsible for appointing a member to act on his/her behalf.
  2. The National Steering Committee Chairperson will be responsible for making all decisions regarding the programme implementation activities in formal consultation with other Permanent Members.

Membership in the National Steering Committee will be reviewed after every three years. The Chairperson will review the membership of the Committee based on needs and circumstances that demand improvement of the programme implementation. In any case, membership review will not entail increasing numbers and will be done in written consultation with the investors.